Sheila screamed "Khoon, khoon" * as she came down to the ground-floor of her employer's house. Her employer Jitendra casually peered from the first floor balcony and called the police.
The dead guy was Sukanto Dey, the previous owner of the property. The police brought all the characters in for questioning. The help, Sheila's alibi sounded sketchy. Moreover, as anyone who has read enough detective novels knows that it's always the help.
They detained Sheila and tortured a confession out of her. She was sentenced a hard life in jail.
Sukanto Dey was a tourist in Changi. The government of Changi in an effort to boost economy of the small country had quotas for tourists where they could buy prime land and property in Changi at very low prices. Real Estate tourism was very popular. The unsuspecting Sukanto however, was not here to buy land. He was an ornithologist, there to study a migrant species of crows.
In his spare time, he walked about the city where an agent talked him into buying a piece of property which would be dirt cheap for Sukanto. Sukanto relented and signed the papers but soon began having second thoughts. However, under the laws of Changi, he could only pass on his property in case of his death.
Sheila cried in her cell quietly lamenting her fate. Her cellmate taking pity on her offered to share a marijuana cigarette. In her marijuana induced haze she passed out after confessing, "I'm just a fish" #
*blood, blood
#intended to mean- I'm just a distraction / bait
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