Wreck- it Forward
I am a little scared as I type this. More so because I just saw a horror movie.
Anyway, back to the dream...
It felt like I was a part of a sect. Currently, there were 3 others apart from me- 2 girls and a guy. The four of us lived in the same hostel kinda building. The other 3 seemed 'senior' to me and I was inducted (against my will) to this group. The only common factor among was that all of us were clairvoyant. Only I refused their claims that I was 'one of them'. I was given a form to fill my details in, which I kept putting off because I didn't want to admit that I could belong there.
I didn't understand the purpose of the group because they went about their work normally but just lived together. For 3 years they tried to persuade me to avow that I was psychic. When their patience ran out they let me go from the hostel.
All packed and set to go, on the last day I finally pulled out the form and thought I'd fill it as part of exit formalities. The questions were as follows:
- When was your first encounter with a supernatural force?
- What is the greatest magnitude of psychic vision you have had?
- How were your roommates?
I answered all of them truthfully. I remember the answer to the last one- They were very nice and we gelled like water. The friendship flowed effortlessly.
Within 3 minutes of my writing this, the first roommate came running to me. Panting and out of breath.
"Did you fill the form?"
"Yes, why?"
"What did you write for the last one?" she asked in between breaths.
"That our friendship is like water.."
"Oh dear God!"
"What happened?" I thought she would faint.
"There's been a flood in my hometown"
"...because of what I wrote? That's bizarre."
"Oh God, something always happens."
The second one came running.
"My mom called, my childhood home is gone in a flash flood. Did you complete the form?"
"...Yes. but I don't understand," I was puzzled and terrified at the power my words could yield.
"See this is why we had to get you, it is like a chain. Three of us got together to find you so that an event like this could mark the end of the jinx for us."
The guy comes strolling by. The other 2 girls shout in unison,
"It's over, go check your room."
He is obviously perplexed, "I am just coming from my room"
"Just go, now."
He left and sure enough, due to a leaking tap, his room was flooded too, in a matter of minutes.
After they recovered from their initial shock, a sense of relief set upon them. Now, they won't have to go through this again. The worst was over.
I was still trying to make sense of what happened. They packed their belongings and got ready to leave.
"What does it mean for me?" I asked, a thousand other questions racing in my mind.
"You'll need to find you other 2 partners and the 3 of you will need to find the new guy who can break your jinx."
"That could take a while." I shouted as they went out the door.
"Yes, it's not easy. All the best.", they said and disappeared as fast they could.
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