Murder, Deceit and Revenge. And Salma Hayek.
The start is hard to define, so I will begin from the middle. I missed my flight. I realized this an hour later at 1700 hours while scrolling through news on my phone. I had zero motivation to go somewhere from here. Where somewhere= any place but here And here= probably Pune as the weather is lovely right now. The flight was at 1600 hours. "I should book another." I thought but disregarded it as soon as it came. The world isn't crashing. Let me enjoy a few more days of this. Out on the streets, that looked more like my hometown than a big city, the traffic was piling up. "Tourists." I scoffed. The traffic police stopped a car on his right. "This," he yelled above the honking, "You see this?" he turned towards a truck on his left. "Yes." the truck driver nodded. "What is this shit?" the cop again addressed the cab driver. "This is good. You all should be doing more of this." Now he was generally yelling. Another...