
Showing posts from September, 2020

Bullies in Space

I have spent the better part of my morning, trying to find the exact planet I was stranded in. Before we dive into it, allow me to refresh your memory of our solar system. The dream, per usual, takes place in space where a bunch of astronauts and I were out for a spin in the ol' spacecraft. For reasons unknown to me, I wasn't as myself. I featured as a 35-ish year old man. Think Arthur Dent in 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'. Only equipped with a space suit instead of a house -coat. I forget if the ride along was a routine check or a spur of the moment thing. Nevertheless, feeding on my fear of space and speed, these other astronauts (let's just call them Ass* for short), maneuvered the vehicle in between planetary bodies, like one would dodge traffic on a highway. Imagine my heart leaping to my throat each time the vehicle neared a planet, 10000-100000 times, its own size. After what seemed like an hour of screaming like a little kid on my part, the Ass* fin...